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Monday, July 6, 2009

Back at Blogger!

Yes, I have flip flopped back to blogger! I finally took the time to make a new blog at blogger and import all of my post from the old blogger Knit Knot Purl Curl. I have tried to import my wordpress post here but it doesn't seem to be working, so I will put a link in the side bar for the wordpress blog for older post.

You can always find my blog by typing as it will point to the right blog.


  1. Glad to know you are back in Blogger. Now I can follow...I did not see the button that says Follow. Are you going to set that up? Larissa also has a new blog. I'll send you the link or you might already know it.
    Guess what the word verification was:
    conize - Hi Conize....LOL...

  2. I'm glad your are back, too! Like Aura mentioned, I decided to start blogging myself and I can use as much help as I can. I just don't understand computer language...LOL here is my new blog:
    Try to leave me a message and see if it works. Plus, any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Thank you so much for leaving me a comment! If you want me to get back to you, remember to please leave me your email address.